On the Move? Tips on Shipping Your Vehicle To or From Hawaii

Shipping your vehicle between the Mainland U.S. and Hawaii is easy! Matson is the shipping firm with the most frequent and dependable service and is my personal recommendation when clients request this information.

Since it’s a question that comes up often, I have put together an overview of the process to share with you here that answers some of the most frequent questions I receive. For complete details and instructions pre-and post-shipping, follow the link below under the sub-head “More Information.”


Making its way from mountains to sea for shipment to Hawaii!

  • An auto shipment booking is required prior to delivery of your vehicle to Matson.
  • It takes between 10-12 days from vessel sail date for the ship to arrive at the designated port.
  • Shipping costs vary depending upon departure and arrival ports. Rates are listed on Matson’s website.
  • Vehicles must be in operating condition with a working emergency brake, and must either be licensed or qualified to be licensed for operation on public streets or highways.
  • All vehicles must have a clean exterior for inspection at the port of embarkation; dirty vehicles will not be accepted.
  • Vehicles also are subject to strict USDA inspections; it’s your responsibility to have the interior and exterior of your vehicle thoroughly cleaned. The USDA looks for clumps of mud in wheel wells or under the vehicle’s carriage, they even inspect under the hood. In addition to dirt, they are on the lookout for any grass, plant seeds in the interior as well as the exterior and for anything that they consider invasive. This inspection is done at the departure and arrival ports.
  • Vehicles with cracked or damaged windshields or windows may not be shipped.
  • Some items must be removed from the vehicle before shipping such as: radar scanners, decorative accessories, protective covering and auto “bras”, theft alarm systems. Please see website for a complete list of non-factory installed items that are prohibited.
  • No personal items may be shipped with the car due to liability issues.
  • When you deliver your vehicle at the port of embarkation you must leave a set of keys for the ignition, trunk door, gas tank and any additional locking compartment.
  • At drop off, you will be given an estimated departure and arrival date.
  • Before picking up your vehicle, you may confirm its availability with Matson’s online Automobile Shipment Tracking feature or by calling their Customer Support Center at 1-800-4-MATSON.
  • Be sure to have your current vehicle registration with you at time of pick-up.
  • To avoid accruing any storage costs, be prepared to pick up your vehicle promptly after its arrival!

More Information

For more information about shipping your vehicle(s) to Hawaii go to www.matson.com or for information about Hawaii Island real estate opportunities, please contact Carrie Nicholson, R (B), BIC, Director of HL1-Big Island, (808) 896-9749 or carrie@HL1.com.