From Hawaii Island to You with Much Aloha – Enjoy a Virtual Visit!

With travel restrictions and social distancing in place, I miss welcoming you to Hawaii Island – but I can bring Hawaii Island to you! Virtually that is!

We’re all in this together and together we will make it through these challenging times. I’m happy to bring you some island beauty here in hopes of bringing a little bit of aloha into your day.

And to all of you dedicated health care workers, police and firefighters – all of you on the front lines – here in the islands and worldwide, I extend a sincere mahalo (thank you) for your selfless, caring service. Perhaps this video will provide healing and hope to you for the day this virus is defeated. Amid this horrific pandemic, there is still so much goodness and beauty in this world.

I look forward to welcoming you back to Hawaii Island when all of this is behind us. In the meantime, be safe and be well.

More Information

For information about real estate opportunities on the Big Island, please contact Carrie Nicholson, R(B), BIC, Director of HL1-Big Island, (808) 896-9749 or