Talk Story with IRONMAN®

The 2022 VinFast IRONMAN® World Championship returns to Hawaii Island following a three-year hiatus due to the Covid pandemic. This year the triathlon will be contested over two-days: Thursday, October 6 and Saturday, October 8. This is the first time in its 40-year-plus history that men and women athletes will compete on different dates (women, October 6; men October 8).

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Carrie Nicholson, BIC
Big Island of Hawaii – Most Ecologically Diverse Place in the Country.

Hawaii is one of the most unique and ecologically diverse places on the planet. It’s no surprise that based on the Köppen classification system, the Big Island of Hawaii consists of 4 out of the 5 major climate zones and 8 out of 13 sub-zones. Can you name the 8 climate zones found on the Big Island of Hawaii?

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